Upcoming Events

27 Jul 01 Aug 2024

Louisville, KY
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

VFW National Convention

As part of supporting the VFW’s mission, our team will have a booth and mobile unit at the National Convention to connect with Veterans, their families and caregivers.

Event Details

01 Aug 03 Aug 2024

Kansas City, MO
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

American Academy of Family Physician (AAFP) National Conference

Interested in joining the VES global network of providers? Our recruiting team will be at the AAFP National Conference to discuss the flexible opportunities for providers to earn extra income and grow their practice by conducting medical disability exams on behalf of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Event Details

03 Aug 06 Aug 2024

Phoenix, AZ
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

DAV National Convention

As ongoing partners with the DAV, the VES team will be onsite during the National Convention hosting a seminar on our role in the medical disability exam process, as well as have one of our mobile units available for the event. Stop by our mobile unit or booth to learn more!

Event Details

23 Aug 29 Aug 2024

New Orleans, LA
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

American Legion National Convention

Stop by the VES booth at the multi-day event to learn more about our role in the medical disability exam process from our team of Veteran Liaisons who are Veterans themselves.

Event Details